Draft Unified Plan PR WIOA 2020-23

Draft Unified Plan PR WIOA 2020-23

The Workforce Development System, under the Opportunity and Innovation Act (WIOA), is in the process of submitting to the United States Department of Labor (USDOL), the State Plan Unified for the next strategic planning cycle 2020-2023. The plan includes the WIOA core programs, Title I - Youth, Adults and Displaced Workers; Title II - Adult Education and Literacy; Title III Wagner Peyser Employment Service; and Title IV - Vocational Rehabilitation. In order to comply with the WIOA Regulations and the "Sunshine Provision", it is necessary that the plan be submitted for comments, from the components of the workforce system, as well as from the general public.

DDEC submits to the consideration of citizens and of the components of the WIOA system, the draft of the Unified Plan WIOA PR 2020-23. The DDEC will evaluate the comments that are submitted and determine their relevance for the implementation of the services required in WIOA.

The deadline to submit the plan to the USDOL is April 1, 2020. The federal agency will have 90 days from its filing to evaluate and approve the plan, States and territories must have an approved strategic plan to be able to receive the delegation of funds from programs under WIOA .

The public comment period will run from February 28 to March 16, 2020. Any comments related to the plan should be sent to the following email address, Planificacion-Validacion@ddec.pr.gov, or through regular mail to the following address:

Workforce Development Program

RE: Unified Plan PR 2020-23

P.O. BOX 192159

SAN JUAN, PR 00919-2159

If you need additional information about the Unified Plan, you can contact the Workforce Development Program at 787-754-5504, with extensions 5618 or 5619, between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

See Unified Plan Draft