Youth Development Program

Youth development program
What is PDJ

The Youth Development Program (PDJ), attached to the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC), has a mandate in law to implement the youth public policy established by the Government of Puerto Rico. PDJ is established with a facilitating role towards young Puerto Ricans between the ages of 13 to 29 years, in the search to empower them with tools that expand their knowledge, education, participation in the creation of public policy, life experiences, an entrepreneurial lifestyle and an innovation culture. In this way, full socio-economic development and the general well-being of youth are promoted.

We have taken on the challenge of charting a new path with young people as the spearhead in the economic revival and transformation of Puerto Rico. We are moving in the direction of maximizing opportunities and combating social phenomena, such as talent leaking and school dropouts. Our Program focuses on:

  • Providing educational opportunities
  • Boosting comprehensive and socioeconomic development
  • Promoting an entrepreneurial mindset and a culture of innovation in young Puerto Ricans, as the present transformer of the Island


Club Jovem

Jovem Club (Young Entrepreneurs)

The Jovem Club is a PDJ initiative that impacts young people from different public and private academic institutions on the Island. It develops initiatives with community, educational, sports and professional organizations to promote citizen participation projects for young people. It fosters educational workshops promoting an entrepreneurial lifestyle, a culture of innovation and leadership. Clubs are established in schools at the intermediate and higher levels, around the entire Island.

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Finanzas saludables


Having healthy finances is having a secure future!
Know the steps to have good finances from an early age


robot makers

Robot Makers

Robotics and Entrepreneurship. Event aimed at stimulating business inventiveness and learning at an early age the importance of the development of Puerto Rican companies based on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, for their professional future and the economic development of Puerto Rico.

IO Teen

IOTeen Boot Camp

Technology and Entrepreneurship. This project will be carried out in two phases, benefiting 60 young people over a period of 18 Saturdays. They will take educational courses in "IOT", Robotics, "Smart City Concept" and other skills.


Farm Bots

Initiative that intertwines the disciplines of robotics, agriculture and entrepreneurship, through the creation of automated gardens.

game changer

Game Changer

It is a project to create educational programs on entrepreneurship, through clubs. PDJ, through resources assigned by the Special Fund for Economic Development of Puerto Rico, will formalize different alliances with the sector. This project will have several phases:

  1. Coordination and Training for teachers
  2. Game Changer School Tour
  3. Regional events
  4. Final event


Mi primer empleo

Let's maximize employment opportunities for young people!

The first job experience in the career studied always fills us with great emotion. For this reason, the Youth Development Program offers this first opportunity, which consists of 520 hours or 6 months of employment to young people between the ages of 18 and 29, who are in their last technical, vocational, associate degree, baccalaureate, master or doctorate. 

What do we want to achieve with this? Contribute to their professional training and open doors to the world of employment, and in turn, contribute to the socio-economic development of our Island in an innovative way.

Every eligible participant must file the required documents electronically and create an account with username and password, through

Required documents:

  • Social security card
  • Photo ID (electoral, license, passport)
  • University Certification (Provided by the Program)
  • Specialty, Average, Month and Year of Graduation
  • Recent Resume
  • Health certificate
  • Official recommendation letter from a teacher, with the logo of the Educational Institution
  • ASUME No Debt Certification
  • Certification of No Treasury Debt
  • Authorization for Release of Information (Model will be provided by the Program)
  • Certification of Family Composition (Model will be provided by the Program)
  • Bank Account Certification (Bank Name, Account No., Route No., Checking or Savings Account)

For more information on Mi Primer Empleo, write us at

Ready to participate?


If you have an existing account with us, enter here.

Participating Employers!

Companies that wish to participate as an employer of My First Job, must have specialized personnel to provide complete training and a first work experience as required, in the field that the young participant specialized on, and also offering them the opportunity of job placement.


  • Identify young talent for recruitment and retention
  • Financial contribution to the young participant equivalent to 520 hours of salary or 6 months, whichever occurs first.
  • Possibility of retaining the young participants after reaching 6 months.

Documents Required to Employers:

  • Model Affidavit, Law 428 of 2004
  • Description of Requested Place (s)
  • Submit Rules and Policies of your organization, agency, company or office.

More information about the benefits of the program at

Ready to participate?


If you have an existing account with us, enter here.


programa de internados

Internship Program

It strives to provide a work experience for the youth in the public service area. This initiative works in conjunction with the Governor’s Office, and only students from 18 to 29 years of age who have completed at least one university semester, are able to qualify.


Educational Programs Aimed at Providing Skills Linking Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship

The Youth Development Program, within its public policy, has established the importance of young people having experiences in technology, innovation, languages and entrepreneurship, so that they have their vision placed on cutting-edge opportunities and possibilities of being part of the new generation of entrepreneurs, facing the challenges of a globalized world that is constantly changing. To this end, we promote the following initiatives:

Young Entrepreneur Program (Microenterprise)

joven empredsario

More and more young people are choosing to take the helm of their future and start a business. We know these young people as entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is the one who identifies, develops and brings to life a business vision that can be novel, an opportunity or a better way of doing things.

This Program encourages the development of young micro-enterprises between the ages of 21 to 29 years. It responds to the challenge of raising the necessary capital to start your business. This initiative provides a 100% guarantee, so that young people have access to a loan, of a maximum of $ 10,000, with extensions of payments in principal and interest for the first 6 months, and a fixed interest of 8%.

Eligible population:

“Young Entrepreneur” - every individual resident of Puerto Rico between 21 and 29 years of age. Interested in creating and operating a new company in Puerto Rico in the long term, for an indefinite term. The loans granted will be used to defray expenses related to the development of one's own business. High school diploma or equivalent certification from the Puerto Rico Department of Education. Use of funds:

  • Operational Capital
  • Purchase of Equipment and Machinery
  • Lease of commercial premises for the use of the participant in its operation
    • Business This expense will not be greater than fifteen percent (15%) of the total loan.

Maximum quantity: 

  • Up to ten thousand dollars (10,000.00)


  • Three percent (3%) fixed


  • A moratorium is granted up to six (6) months in principal payment .

Payment term:

  • Up to a maximum of five (5) years

Closing and Related Expenses:

  • Initial charge: twenty-five (25) dollars
  • Closing costs: zero closing costs


  • Required documents:
    • Complete Application for Services   - YOUNG BUSINESSMAN
    • Proof of identification with photo with date of birth (issued by the Government of Puerto Rico and / or the United States) Axis: driver's license, passport.
    • High school diploma or equivalent or college degree
    • Recent Certification of No Tax Debt from the Department of the Treasury
      • Personal;
      • Corporate (if applicable)
    • Certification of Filing of Returns for the last 5 years from the Department of the Treasury.
      • Personal;
      • Corporate (if applicable)
      • If you are not required to file returns, the filing certification must be accompanied by Form SC 2781 (Certification of reasons why the taxpayer is not required by law to file the individual income tax return).
        • Personal
        • Corporate (if applicable)
      • Recent Negative Real Estate Certification from CRIM
        • Personal;
        • Corporate (if applicable)
    • Compliance Certifications from the Administration for the Support of Minors (ASUME).
      • Personal
      • Corporate (if applicable)
    • Certificate of Incorporation (if incorporated)
    • Business plan with two-year projections

If eligible, you can file the application and documentation via email (in pdf format) .

Incentivos para Jovenes Empresarios

Incentive for Young Entrepreneurs Act 60

Section 2100.01 of the Code of Incentives for Young Entrepreneurs.

Young people who receive this decree will have the following benefits:

  1. Exemption from your net income for $ 500,000.00
  2. Total exemption from the Property and Furniture Tax
  3. Total exemption from municipal tax for a period of 3 years, from the date of commencement of operations.

Medalla de la Juventud

Youth Medal

Its purpose is to recognize the acts of Courage, Service to the Community and Assisting the Needy, carried out by young people from 13 to 29 years of age. It is in accordance with Act 22 of May 20, 1987, called the Puerto Rican Youth Medal Act.

Every year, the Youth Development Program (PDJ) gives the announcement to receive nominations from young candidates to be awarded the Puerto Rican Youth Medal. Candidates must have stood out during the previous year in one of the following categories: Community Service, Assisting the Needy and Courage (having carried out a voluntary act, risking their lives to save the lives of others, property and / or preventing social ills of serious or catastrophic nature). Young people must be recommended by citizens or by public and private entities.


Annual Summit of Puerto Rican Youth (CAJP)

Ordered by Act 503 of 2004

CAJP was created to bring young people closer, to engage in constructive dialogue on public policy and to be an integral part of their development as leaders and professionals. This Act defines youth public policy as "all action aimed at achieving and realizing the social, educational, and professional goals and objectives of young people", and promoting their participation. It also proposes to “identify those problems, needs and interests of our young people”, promote government efforts in favor of youth and learn about initiatives in their favor from the private sector.

The Summit is an instrument that enables young people to exchange ideas with the leaders of all the Agencies, Government Secretaries, Legislators and with the Governor, to channel recommendations and suggestions. Likewise, it provides the Government and the private sector with the opportunity to promote youth-related programs and initiatives.

Every year, hundreds of young people in Puerto Rico participate, with the purpose of promoting their entrepreneurial and analytical thinking and participating in debates that help the development of the Island and the quality of life of young people. Some of the topics discussed are public policy, environment, entrepreneurship, cooperativism and education.

For more information, write to or call 787-754-5504 ext. 5228.


Puerto Rico Leadership Awards

On a yearly basis, the Youth Development Program (PDJ) gives the announcement to receive nominations from young candidates to be awarded the Puerto Rican Youth Medal and the Puerto Rico Leadership Awards and Youth Commitment. Candidates nominated to obtain the Puerto Rico Leadership Awards must be between 18 and 29 years old. This award was created, in accordance with Act No. 171 of 2014, to recognize outstanding young entrepreneurs and youth organizations, for establishing companies that have benefited consumers or users, and created jobs. Participants must be owners and founders of the for-profit company and have demonstrated successful growth in Puerto Rico over the past two years. The awards are divided into the following categories: Business Success (for young people who stand out for their vision of corporate success and their commitment to the socioeconomic development of youth and Puerto Rico); Successful Without Limits (for young people distinguished for their participation in a business, initiative or organization, without being limited by any physical or mental condition); Innovation and Technology (for youth or youth organizations outstanding in the use of creativity, innovation, research and development of avant-garde initiatives); and Leader of Steel (for youth or youth organizations that have used their leadership to positively impact society, developing successful initiatives or programs).


Youth Commitment Award

Annually, the PDJ gives the announcement to receive nominations from young candidates to be awarded the Puerto Rican Youth Medal, as well as the Puerto Rico Leadership Awards and the Youth Commitment Award.

The Youth Commitment Award (created pursuant to Act No. 434 of 2004), is directed at private companies, non-profit organizations, civic entities, youth cooperatives, and individuals who provide free services to youth.

They must have met the following criteria: Social Work, Mentoring (for business development promoting leadership and entrepreneurship skills), Financial Aid (search for funding, information on grants and resources for the development of initiatives), Job Creation, Promotion of Self-employment, Offer Individualized Technical Assistance and Educational Development.

To learn more about award categories, evaluation criteria and participation requirements, write to or call 787-754-5504 ext. 5228.


Municipal Outstanding Youth Award

The PDJ awards this award as part of the Youth Month activities. It is responsible for selecting, recognizing and honoring a young person, between 13 and 29 years old, from each Municipality of Puerto Rico.

Taking into consideration their leadership and commitment, it will be up to each Mayor to choose a young man from the Municipality. They will also include the following achievements:

  • Academics
  • Scientific and technological
  • Contribution to human rights and humanitarian solidarity service
  • Business, commercial and economic
  • Cultural and sports commitments
  • Corporate social responsibility

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