Trade and Export Program

The DEDC has a wide variety of export incentives of up to $ 10,000 to successfully take your company to international markets.

Expenses related to travel, business meetings and / or participation in an international event
Marketing campaigns
Business intelligence services (such as those offered by the United States Commercial Service of the US Dept. of Commerce)
Website translation
Development of a platform for E-Commerce


Taller UPS
The Department of Economic Development and Commerce and UPS join forces so that businesses established by women have the necessary tools to export your products or services to other markets. Join the 1st Training Workshop: "Beyond the borders to grow your business" on Wednesday, May 19 at 10:00 AM. Register at:

On this workshop the participant will learn:

  • Best practices to internationalize their business
  • Export processes and impact of rates
  • How products are classified
  • The necessary export documents