21st Century Techforce

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The future of Puerto Rico’s economic growth is dependent upon the strength of its talent. Exponential growth in digital jobs, a shortage of digital workers, and a variety of global socioeconomic changes are leading to a rapidly changing environment. As a result, governments across the world are making significant investments in workforce development to build a competitive advantage. 

To address these and other critical challenges, we are leading the 21st Century Techforce initiative to deliver the right programs at the right scale, produce a strong labor force, and coordinate effective action between government, educational institutions, and industry.

Our vision is for Puerto Rico to become a top 10 state/territory for 21st Century talent by generating about 50,000 additional skilled workers over the next 10 years. To achieve this vision and get Puerto Rico on the right path, the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DEDC) has identified the following five key initiatives to launch and begin delivering impact:

Event Presentation:  21st. Century Techforce Puerto Rico: Implementation Launch – April 25, 2023

Have questions? Read through our FAQs

Given the Juneteenth holiday and the high volume of responses we received, the evaluation team will not have a selection update until Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

Stackable Credentials


Revolutionize the 4-year university learning journey.


Enabling multiple short-form credentials that build on or supplement each other, and other foundational initiatives to support universities.

The DEDC will partner with selected universities and/or training providers to design a model and curriculum ideal for a stackable credential program. We want a future where Puerto Rican students can receive a Computer Science certificate in one year, an Associate's Degree in two years, and a Bachelor's Degree in four years, while being eligible and in-demand for a 21st Century job along the way.

Grant Application Guidelines

Stackable Credentials Registration Form

Watch our Stackable Credential Q&A Webinar here

To register as a WIOA's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) please send an email to prisddec@ddec.pr.gov.

Key Dates   Event
Tuesday, April 25, 2023Publication of Grant Application Guidelines
Tuesday, May 2, 2023Questions & Answers Submission Deadline
Monday, May 8, 2023Submission of DDEC’s Responses to Questions – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023Registration Deadline – 4:30 p.m. Technical assistance will be provided to all Applicant’s who register for this Grant Application by the deadline
Monday, June 5, 2023Proposal Submission Deadline – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Notice of Award Expected
Friday, June 30, 2023Expected Program Start; First Round of Funding Expected to Be Awarded
Monday, January 8, 20246 Months into Program; Second Round of Funding Expected to Be Awarded (subject to agreement on specific timeline)
August 2024Programs expected to launch in the upcoming 2024/2025 academic year

* Please note that Grant Application timelines include target dates and may change subject to the sole discretion of DEDC. It is the responsibility of Respondents to periodically review DEDC’s website for regular updates to the Grant Application timeline and other important information.

Short-form Credentials


Scale (and enable) providers to increase PR's skilled workforce.


Providing a flexible, quick way to upskill individuals with 21st century skills without the time commitment of a university degree. Our goal is to provide programs in multiple formats, including online, on-campus, and/or hybrid offerings. 

Grants will be provided to coding academies, blockchain providers, and other short-form credential programs to expand, enroll students, and retain top faculty talent. Puerto Rico aims to partially subsidize access to technical education courses via scholarships, contingent on individuals staying in Puerto Rico after program completion. The programmatic focus will cover technical areas including, but not limited to, cloud infrastructure, server administration, cybersecurity, business intelligence, AI, and machine learning.

Grant Application Guidelines

Short-form Credentials Registration Form

Watch our Short-form Credential Q&A Webinar here

To register as a WIOA's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) please send an email to prisddec@ddec.pr.gov.

Target Date  Event  
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Publication of Grant Application Guidelines
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Questions & Answers Submission Deadline 
Monday, May 8, 2023 Submission of the DEDC’s Responses to Questions – 4:30 p.m. 
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 

Registration Deadline – 4:30 p.m. Technical assistance will be provided to all Applicant’s who register for this Grant Application by the deadline

Monday, June 5, 2023 Proposal Submission Deadline – 4:30 p.m.  
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 
Notice of Award Expected  
Friday, June 30, 2023 Expected Program Start; First Round of Funding Expected to be Awarded 
Monday, January 8, 2024 6 Months into Program; Second Round of Funding Expected to be Awarded (subject to agreement on specific timeline) 
Friday, June 28, 2024 Programs expected to launch in the upcoming 2024/2025 academic year 

* Please note that Grant Application timelines include target dates and may change subject to the sole discretion of DEDC. It is the responsibility of Respondents to periodically review DEDC’s website for regular updates to the Grant Application timeline and other important information.

K-12 Career Connection Lighthouses


Expose all K-12 students to technical career paths and skills.


Challenge awarding diverse set of middle/high schools to fund innovative and sustainable solutions to better connect students with pathways to a 21st Century jobs.

Funding is flexible and can cover technical equipment (e.g., coding software for students), training for teachers, hackathons, student bootcamps, summer bridge programs, employer tours, etc., to educate K-12 students on technical career paths and degree/ credential programs available.

Talent Accelerator


Develop a world-class platform to train people in any short-form courses employers need.


Developing a skilling platform with immersive short-form programs that feature real-world project-based learnings and placement integration with employers.

Puerto Rico's model will be based on Singapore's RISE model to radically accelerate the number of people with short-form computer science credentials and train/place talent with key employers.

Quick Start


Provide a one-stop-shop for employers to address 21st Century talent needs.


A one-stop-shop to identify priority employer needs, design and tailor curriculum, and deliver 21st Century talent solutions to employers. This initiative will leverage both programs from existing institutions and a new skilling platform.

Have a question?

Any questions regarding this Grant or the evaluation of Proposals shall be submitted via email to: 21stcentury@ddec.pr.gov and must reference the initiative(s) you are interested in.