Creative Industries

The Department of Economic Development and Commerce has opportunities to facilitate access to various incentives for Creative Industries to various incentives. Creative industry is the name of a company that requires creativity, expertise and talent. Creative businesses possess the potential to create jobs and wealth primarily through the export of creative goods and services.

The name “creative group” is given to those networks and associations that are created between companies or creative industries to stimulate common activities, links between them, or achieve economy at scale.

Diagrama de incentivos de industrias creativas
Creative Industries

Incentives for Creative Industries

The Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC) implemented the Incentive for Creative Industries, whose assigned amount amounts to $ 3 million for entities and individuals who work on their own in said sector, in order to provide an economic reinforcement. This incentive is focused on providing assistance and reaching those who are not eligible under the other incentives provided by the Government of Puerto Rico or the Cares Act of the U.S. If you are interested, press the button and learn more about this help!

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